ธรรมบรรยายและปฏิบัติ ลมปราณแห่งความปิติ โดย ลามะโดลมะ วันพุธ ที่ 8 ก.พ. 2555 18.00น.-20.30น. ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก) ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย สำรองที่นั่งใน facebook Mongkol Sri facebook page หรือ อีเมล์ contact ที่นี่ หรือ โทร 081-9855564
Lama Dolma will be giving Dharma teaching on Reality and Emptiness on WEDNESDAY Feb 8th 2012 6pm-8.30pm with breaks in between (please note that the teaching might go on for longer than the scheduled time)
Reality and Emptiness
What does it mean when we think of reality? What actually is this reality? … By applying different techniques in relation to mind, body and wisdom you will reach the Great Completion.
Oneness – crumbling all walls and limitations, we arrive at fruition fulfilling our potential.
This class will include different Yogas and an explanation of profound wisdom of our true nature.

Location: Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or email at our contact page for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 6pm-8.30pm, Wednesday 8th Feb 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or contact us at our contact page
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Lama Dolma:
Lama Dolma (Jessica Carnein) is vibrant European female Lama with practical teaching approach from years of study and practice.
1997 received Lamdre meeting Root Guru H.H. Sakya Trizin, shifting to a Sakya center ,intensive study and practice of Vajrayana,and Dzogchen
1998-2001 solitory retreat
2001-2002 Dzogchen and Mahamudra teachings from Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Thrangu rinpoche, Namkai Norbu, H.E.Chogye Trichen
2003-2005 solitory retreat
2005-2010 open retreat deepening the experience, study of Dzogchen and Mahamudra texts
2011 received the title ‘Lama’ from H.H. Sakya Trizin who encouraged extensive teaching activity
Directions: Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
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ธรรมบรรยายและปฏิบัติ ลมปราณแห่งความปิติ โดย ลามะโดลมะ วันอังคาร ที่ 7 ก.พ. 2555 ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก) ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย สำรองที่นั่งใน facebook Mongkol Sri facebook page หรือ อีเมล์ contact ที่นี่ หรือ โทร 081-9855564
Lama Dolma will be giving Dharma teaching on The Wind of Joy on TUESDAY Feb 7th 2012 6pm-8pm with breaks in between (please note that the teaching might go on for longer than the scheduled time)
The Wind of Joy
Inside of us there is an inexhaustible reservoir of joy and energy. Using skillful methods and wisdom to work with the flow in our body opens to door to this source. Our divine qualities gush out. By doing so, our life become natural dance, an expression of our well-being and ease instead of a continuous struggle.

Location: Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or email at our contact page for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 6pm-8pm, Tuesday 7th Feb 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or contact us at our contact page
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Lama Dolma:
Lama Dolma (Jessica Carnein) is vibrant European female Lama with practical teaching approach from years of study and practice.
1997 received Lamdre meeting Root Guru H.H. Sakya Trizin, shifting to a Sakya center ,intensive study and practice of Vajrayana,and Dzogchen
1998-2001 solitory retreat
2001-2002 Dzogchen and Mahamudra teachings from Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Thrangu rinpoche, Namkai Norbu, H.E.Chogye Trichen
2003-2005 solitory retreat
2005-2010 open retreat deepening the experience, study of Dzogchen and Mahamudra texts
2011 received the title ‘Lama’ from H.H. Sakya Trizin who encouraged extensive teaching activity
Directions: Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
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ธรรมบรรยายและปฏิบัติ การหายใจให้เป็นแสงสว่างและความสุข โดย ลามะโดลมะ วันจันทร์ ที่ 6 ก.พ. 2555 ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก) ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย สำรองที่นั่งใน facebook Mongkol Sri facebook page หรือ อีเมล์ contact ที่นี่ หรือ โทร 081-9855564
Lama Dolma will be giving Dharma teaching on Breathing into Light and Happiness on MONDAY Feb 6th 2012 6pm-8pm with breaks in between (please note that the teaching might go on for longer than the scheduled time)

Breathing into Light and Happiness
By integrating mind and body with breathing we can enter into our natural state which is bliss and joy beyond words. Through this non-separation we access power and stability which improves every aspect of our daily life. In this workshop we will be using methods in our physical, mental and energy plane. By accepting our physical and mental states we can skillfully maximize our spiritual potential.
Location: Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or email at our contact page for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 6pm-8pm, Monday 6th Feb 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or contact us at our contact page
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Lama Dolma:
Lama Dolma (Jessica Carnein) is vibrant European female Lama with practical teaching approach from years of study and practice.
1997 received Lamdre meeting Root Guru H.H. Sakya Trizin, shifting to a Sakya center ,intensive study and practice of Vajrayana,and Dzogchen
1998-2001 solitory retreat
2001-2002 Dzogchen and Mahamudra teachings from Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Thrangu rinpoche, Namkai Norbu, H.E.Chogye Trichen
2003-2005 solitory retreat
2005-2010 open retreat deepening the experience, study of Dzogchen and Mahamudra texts
2011 received the title ‘Lama’ from H.H. Sakya Trizin who encouraged extensive teaching activity
Directions: Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
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ธรรมบรรยายและปฏิบัติ โยคะใจและกาย โดย ลามะโดลมะ วันอาทิตย์ ที่ 5 ก.พ. 2555 ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก) ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย สำรองที่นั่งใน facebook Mongkol Sri facebook page หรือ อีเมล์ contact ที่นี่ หรือ โทร 081-9855564
Lama Dolma will be giving Dharma teaching on Mind and Body yoga on SUNDAY Feb 5th 2012 3pm-6pm with breaks in between (please note that the teaching might go on for longer than the scheduled time)

Mind and Body yoga
By integrating mind and body we can enter into our natural state which is bliss and joy beyond words. Through this non-separation we access power and stability which improves every aspect of our daily life. In this workshop we will be using methods in our physical, mental and energy plane. By accepting our physical and mental states we can skillfully maximize our spiritual potential.
Location: Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or email at our contact page for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 3pm-6pm, Sunday 5th Feb 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or contact us at our contact page
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Lama Dolma:
Lama Dolma (Jessica Carnein) is vibrant European female Lama with practical teaching approach from years of study and practice.
1997 received Lamdre meeting Root Guru H.H. Sakya Trizin, shifting to a Sakya center ,intensive study and practice of Vajrayana,and Dzogchen
1998-2001 solitory retreat
2001-2002 Dzogchen and Mahamudra teachings from Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Thrangu rinpoche, Namkai Norbu, H.E.Chogye Trichen
2003-2005 solitory retreat
2005-2010 open retreat deepening the experience, study of Dzogchen and Mahamudra texts
2011 received the title ‘Lama’ from H.H. Sakya Trizin who encouraged extensive teaching activity
Directions: Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
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ธรรมบรรยาย การละจากการยึดติดทั้งสี่ โดย ลามะโดลมะ วันเสาร์ที่ 4 ก.พ. 2555 ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก) ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย สำรองที่นั่งใน facebook Mongkol Sri facebook page หรือ อีเมล์ contact ที่นี่ หรือ โทร 081-9855564
Lama Dolma will be giving Dharma teaching on Parting from the four attachments on SATURDAY Feb 4th 2012 2pm-5pm with breaks in between (please note that the teaching might go on for longer than the scheduled time)

Parting from the four attachments
The joy and light of the freed mind is a source of a constant flow of happiness and auspiciousness. With this, we live to the fullest. Attachments cover our true nature and by transcending them our infinite potential shines forth. This is the essence of Buddha’s teachings and will help people to extract the profound meaning out of their practice and out of their life.
Location: Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or email at our contact page for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 2pm-5pm, Saturday 4th Feb 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or contact us at our contact page
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Lama Dolma:
Lama Dolma (Jessica Carnein) is vibrant European female Lama with practical teaching approach from years of study and practice.
1997 received Lamdre meeting Root Guru H.H. Sakya Trizin, shifting to a Sakya center ,intensive study and practice of Vajrayana,and Dzogchen
1998-2001 solitory retreat
2001-2002 Dzogchen and Mahamudra teachings from Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Thrangu rinpoche, Namkai Norbu, H.E.Chogye Trichen
2003-2005 solitory retreat
2005-2010 open retreat deepening the experience, study of Dzogchen and Mahamudra texts
2011 received the title ‘Lama’ from H.H. Sakya Trizin who encouraged extensive teaching activity
Directions: Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
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พุทธมามกมูลนิธิ ในพระสังฆราชูปถัมภ์
Buddhist foundation
Bejamabophit temple
ขอกราบอาราธนาพระคุณเจ้า และเรียนเชิญพุทธศาสนิกชนผู้สนใจธรรมปฏิบัติร่วมฟังธรรมและปฏิบัติกรรมฐาน
Homage to the Buddha and inviting all Buddhists to listen to Dharma and practice meditation
ณ วัดเบญจมบพิตรฯ ศาลาธรรมชินราชปัญจบพิธ ดาดฟ้า ชั้น ๕
At Wat Benjamabophit temple, top floor 5th level
องค์แสดงธรรม คือ
With the following details
(all talks are in Thai)
พระอาจารย์คูณ ติกขวีโร วัดอุดมวารี อ.พาน จ.เชียงราย
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2555 เวลา 14.00น.
พระอาจารย์ละมาย ลาภสัมปันโน วัดพระพุทธบาทดอยโล้น อ.บ้านตาก จ.ตาก
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มีนาคม 2555 เวลา 14.00น.
พระอาจารย์ไม อินทสิริ วัดหนองช้าวคาว อ. กู่แก้ว จ.อุดรธานี
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 เมษายน 2555 เวลา 14.00น.
พระอาจารย์ไมตรี ฐิตปัญโญ วัดทางสาย อ.บางสะพาน จ.ประจวบคีรีขันธ์
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 พฤษภาคม 2555 เวลา 14.00น.
พระอาจารย์แปลง สุนทโร วัดป่าอุดมสมพร อ.พรรณานิคม จ.สกลนคร
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน 2555 เวลา 14.00น.
ติดต่อ พรหมชัย เกษมวรกิจ 0800788077
Lama Rinchen Phuntsok will be giving Dharma teaching on Guru Rinpoche’s PRAYER OF DIAMOND VERSES – The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche for Removing Obstacles and Fulfilling All Wishes (SOL DEB DORJEI TSIG KANG) on SATURDAY Jan 7th 2012 2pm-5pm.

Location: Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or contact us for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 2pm-5pm, Saturday 7th Jan 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Dharma teaching on PRAYER OF DIAMOND VERSES by Lama Rinchen Phuntsok facebook page or contact us
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please come and join us, and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
For those who have not met Lama Rinchen Phuntsok:
Venerable Lama Rinchen Phuntsok is a skillfull teacher with a light and joyful manner. He is a scholar and meditation master of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. Born in Tibet, Lama Rinchen began receiving instruction in the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism at the age of six in Tsasum Chokhorling Monastery in Tibet. After he left Tibet in 1958, he studied at Young Lama’s Home School in Dalhousie, The Buddhist Monastic School in Rewalsar, Nyingmapa Lama’s College in Dehra-Dun, and Zongdog Palri Monastery in Kalimpong. Lama Rinchen graduated from Sanskrit University in Varanasi India where he completed advanced studies in Sutrayana Buddhist philosophy and scriptures, commentaries, logic, literature, history, and the major sciences of the Tibetan curriculum. To complete his training in Vajrayana Nyingma School studies, he served as private secretary to the late His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, supreme Head of the Nyingma order of Tibetan Buddhism for over fifteen years. During that time he received all the important empowerments, transmissions, essential instructions, the oral teaching of Nyingma Kama, and the Profound Rediscovered Teachings of Terma of the great Lotus Born Teacher, Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Vajravana Buddhism. For many years Lama Rinchen was in charge of Zangdog Palri Monastery in India and also Urgyen Dongag, Choling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal. In 1980, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche asked him to come to the United States to teach in his New York center where Lama Rinchen was director and resident Lama for four years. Since then he has lectured widely throughout the United States and Europe at centers, colleges, and universities. Lama Rinchen visits his students every year and stays in St. Louis to give teachings and empowerments for several weeks during his U.S. tour. He also has students in New York, California, Colorado, New Mexico, etc., as he continues to spread the teachings of the Dudjom Lineage.
Directions: Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
Show on Google Maps
Dear Friends Near and Far,
First off, I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year! I hope this new year brings you and your loved ones abundant joy and good health. Today being the first Guru Rinpoche Day message of the year 2012, I would like to share with you a teaching given by Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche many moons ago in Bhutan, perhaps the most memorable time of my life. Rinpoche besides being my root guru, was also like a father figure to me. I am where I am spiritually today only because of the kindness of my gurus.
One day in his audience, when he was talking about the Great Perfection, he gave me a piece of advice spreading out his five fingers in front of me and mentioned think of these as the five different motivations. He drew a line along his little finger and pointing to the lower half said, “One motivation we have is fear and the wish to be free from that fear in this life. For example, some people are sick or are experiencing some particular hardship and because of which, start practicing. That kind of intention is not very pure.” Pointing to the upper half of his little finger he said, “This is the desire to gain excellent qualities in this life. For intance, wanting to have good health, long life and so forth. Both of which are samsaric motivations” he said. The second finger Rinpoche mentioned is neither positive nor negative, but of a neutral intention. The middle finger he said is the motivation of those with inferior faculties, thinking, “I fear falling into the lower realms and instead want to be liberated from the lower realms and because of this reason I want to practice observing karma.” The next finger he said is the motivation of those with mediocre faculties, those at the Arhat level, who fear being in samsara. Finally pointing to the thumb he said, ” This is the motivation of those with superior faculties, the superior motivation of pure bodhichitta.” Pure compassion and wisdom. When these two are combined together then you have pure bodhichitta. When you lack one of these, it is not pure bodhichitta. So Rinpoche said, out of these five, which motivation should we have? This one, he said, with a big thumbs up.
Most of the time quite honestly speaking we have the lowest motivation. We have fear of suffering, obstacles and attachment to excellent circumstances and qualities. Sometimes we might reach the third or the fourth level, but then we fall back down again. We never reach the highest level. To close his advice, we mentioned, whoever you are and whatever practice you do, when you lack this superior kind of motivation that means you lack what? Enlightenment!
Sending you all much love and affection on this Guru Rinpoche Day.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche |
Dear Friends Near and Far,I hope you have all been happy and healthy. Unlike my previous messages, today I want to keep my message short and sweet, I hope.Whether you are a practicing buddhist or in some way associated with some element of it. Many a times we are caught up in doing something buddhist to a point where sometimes we even forget the ground on which we are tirelessly building.
The buddha taught that in order for one to realize enlightenment, one must develop two supreme qualities: wisdom and compassion. These two means for realizing enlightenment, works in unison and therefore can’t manifest without the other. So in practice, wisdom gives rise to compassion, and compassion gives rise to wisdom.
So on this Guru Rinpoche Day, I would like to ask you all to “practice a random act of kindness” without expecting anything in return, not even a simple thank you. And it is my hope that your compassionate act creates a ripple effect.
Keeping you all my heart and prayers.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche

Dharma talk “Meditation in daily activities”
By Phra Khru Pariyatsasanakhun abbot of Wat Thammawanaram (Thai temple in Hongkong)
The talk will focus on how to keep focused meditation while performing different daily activities.
(This Dharma talk will be in Thai with translation into English)
Date: Wednesday 23rd November 2011 Time: 530pm-830pm at Ram’s place (directions are below) this event is free of charge and dinner will be provided
RSVP: Please click attend on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148494505249998 or contact us here or call 081-9855564
ขอเชิญพุทธศาสนิกชนทุกท่านร่วมฟังธรรม “จิต สงบ ด้วยใจภาวนาระหว่างการทำกิจกรรมต่างๆ”
สอนภาวนาโดย “ท่านพระครูปริยัติศาสนคุณ” เจ้าอาวาสวัดธรรมวนาราม(วัดไทหว่อ) ฮ่องกง
เรียนรู้วิธีเจริญสติ ภาวนาควบคู่กับการทำกิจกรรมต่างๆในชีวิตประจำวัน
ในวันพุธที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน 2554 เวลา 17.30น.-20.30น. ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก) ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย มีอาหารค่ำด้วย
สำรองที่นั่งใน facebook https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148494505249998 หรือ อีเมล์ contact ที่นี่ หรือ โทร 081-9855564
Welcome Palace apartment on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Map can be found at:
Welcome Palace apartment