Jeff Oliver will be giving Dharma teaching on Understanding Consciousness and Manifesting What You Want on WEDNESDAY May 23rd 2012 6pm-830pm with breaks in between (please note that the teaching/discussion might go on for longer than the scheduled time)
Understanding Consciousness and Manifesting What You Want
Through the practice of concentration, awareness and wisdom, we come to understand the nature of body, mind/consciousness and the universe in which we live. With this right understanding, we may then open to all possibilities here and now and find what you are really looking for. What are you REALLY looking for?

Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or Contact us here for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
6pm-830pm, Wednesday 23rd May 2012
RSVP Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or Contact us here
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Jeff Oliver
Jeff Oliver is a dynamic and creative meditation teacher from Australia. He has been practicing vipassana (Awareness and Wisdom) meditation for about 19 years, eight of which he was ordained as a Buddhist Monk in the Burmese tradition. Jeff has shared practical life skills and ‘mind management’ in many areas of the world including Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe including Turkey. His style is open, approachable, friendly and gentle yet very effective for the modern seeker of truth.
Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
Show on Google Maps

Dear Friends Near and Far,
I hope you’ve all been happy and healthy. I am very well and just started off with my travels for this year. I left the Valley this afternoon for Malaysia where I’ll be for the next few weeks. I’ll be hopping from one city to the next in Asia en route to North America via Australia and then to South America, Europe and finally back home in October. I have just started my journey and I’m already tired! But I’m certainly looking much forward to seeing many of you during my stops around the globe.
It’s already late here in Malaysia and by the time I send this message out, it’ll probably land in your inbox on the 11th for those of you living in East, for which I truly apologize. But for the rest of you in the West, still the morning of 10th, Guru Rinpoche Day!
Anyhow, about two weeks ago we were on a pilgrimage following the footsteps of the Lotus Born in Nepal and Sikkim. It was a memorable trip still so vivid and in memory of it, I would like to share Padmasambhava’s last instructions to his students before leaving for the Chamara Island.
At the pass of Gunthang, on the border of Nepal and Tibet, as Padmasambhave is getting ready to leave for the Chamara Island of the cannibal demons, his students implore him not to leave them. Padmasambhava has no choice but to leave, for the cannibal demons would spill out from the Chamara Island into our world and destroy the human race and only he can tame them with his wisdom and compassion. To the grieving students, Padmasambhava encourages them by saying, ‘ for the people of the future, I have left behind blessings in the form of body, speech and mind.’
‘I have left “kutsaps”- representation of myself in the form of statues, blessed them and concealed them with the intention that beings in the future might see them, receive blessings and make a direct connection with me.’ He made the aspiration that coming into contact with a kutsap would be no different than meeting Padmasambhava in person. Beings who make such a connection will be blessed in this life and future lives. It serves as a source of blessing, removes obstacles, as well as strengthens and deepens one’s connection to Padmasambhava.
‘To represent my speech there are the many treasure texts hidden. The famous prayer to dispel obstacle, a terma of Chokgyur Lingpa is one such example.
Guru Rinpoche, the Buddha of past, present and future,
Dewa Chenpo- Guru of Great Bliss- the source of all siddhas,
Dud Dul Drakpo Tsal- Wrathful One that Subdues Negativity- who removes all obstacles,
Grant your blessings we pray! Through them, may all our obstacles, outer, inner and secret- be quelled,
And may all our aspirations be fulfilled!
‘And for my mind representation, it is always with those who have a karmic connection with me. For those who pray to me I am always there, especially on the tenth day of the month, I will be there to dispel the suffering of the beings.’
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche

Vipassana retreat with Luang Por Tee for 6 days from 29 April till 4th May 2012
For more information please contact 089-0896320 084-0864911
ประชาสัมพันธ์การอบรม “วิปัสสนาภาวนา” โดย หลวงพ่อธี วิจิตฺตธมฺโม (
ในวันอาทิตย์ที่ ๒๙ เม.ย. ถึง วันศุกร์ที่ ๔ พ.ค. ๒๕๕๕ (จำนวน ๖ วัน)
ณ มูลนิธิมายาโคตมี กรุงเทพกรีฑา ๒๐ แยก ๗ เขตสะพานสูง กทม.
ติดต่อเพิ่มเติม คุณพชรวีร์ (อั๊ง) โทร. 089-0896320 084-0864911
ผู้เข้าปฏิบัติยินดีร่วมกันรักษาศีล ๘ ทานมังสวิรัติ รักษาความเงียบสงบ งดการพูดคุยกันระหว่างปฏิบัติ แต่งกายด้วยเสื้อผ้าที่สีไม่ฉูดฉาด สุภาพ เรียบร้อย ปกปิดร่างกายได้มิดชิด
Tame your own mind
Guru Rinpoche Day
Dear Friends Near and Far,
Greetings to you all on this Guru Rinpoche Day. Wherever you are and in whatever situation you are in, I truly hope that you are genuinely happy and healthy and that your karma never runs out and take you away from this current state.
I am by the way, in the Kathmandu Valley and presently, pleasantly happy and a little bit busy presiding over the Hundred Diety puja. Today is the 4th day of the 9-day/24 hour puja. And while sitting in the puja, I was checking in and out thinking of what to write for today’s GRD message. Lately I’ve been reading a series of question/answers between the Lotus Born and his Tibetan consort, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal and then thought of sharing one such with you all.
During the fifty-five years that Guru Rinpoche remained in Tibet, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, his peerless student, served him as the most devoted and diligent attendant. Without exception, he bestowed upon her the entire extract of his oral instructions, and the essence of his wisdom. During this time, she collected and committed to writing all the teachings that he gave and kept them concealed as precious treasures.
She said, ‘on different occasions, he gave advice on dharma practice that I persistently retained in my perfect recall, collected and wrote down for the sake of future generations. Since they were not meant to be spread at the present time, I concealed these teachings as a precious treasure. May they meet with worthy and destined people’.
She goes on to say, “this ‘Cycle of Teachings Through Questions and Answers’ was committed to writing in the upper cave at Chimpu on the twenty fifth day of the second moon of fall in the year of the sow”.
An extract of a teaching from this particular terma treasure called Cycle of Teachings Through Questions and Answers:
Master Padma: When practicing the Dharma, you must first tame your own mind.
Lady Yeshe Tsogyal: What does that mean?
Master Padma:
You must extinguish the scorching flames of anger with the water of loving-kindness.
You must cross the river of desire on the bridge of powerful remedies.
You must light the torch of discriminating knowledge in the darkness of stupidity.
You must crumble the mountain of pride to the ground with the pestle of diligence.
You must overcome the storm of envy by wearing the warm garment of patience.
In any case, these five poisons, your old archenemies, will ruin your being in the three realms of samsara if you uninhibitedly indulge in them. Do not let them run wild. There is a danger in that.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche

We are pleased to announce that Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche will be leading a pilgrimage to the major sacred sites of Guru Rinpoche in Nepal and Sikkim, from 13 to 23 April this year. In total, we will be visiting ten sites, plus an optional trip to Maratika Caves. In each location, Rinpoche will be leading a tsok offering (or feast offering) associated with the Trinley Nyingpo (Guru’s Heart Practice, Dispeller of All Obstacles) from the Treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa.
Pilgrimage is a wonderful opportunity to connect our life and practice with the blessings of great enlightened ones who have consecrated these places. By visiting these sacred locations with the right frame of mind we can gather the two accumulations and remove our obscurations as taught by the Buddha.
This year’s pilgrimage will only be limited to twenty-five (25) persons, on a first come first serve basis. The closing date for registration is 23 March, 2012. To register, please visit
Dear Friends Near and Far,
I hope you’ve all been healthy and happy. It’s been two months since our last connection, and for those of you who noticed that I didn’t drop into your mailbox last month, I truly apologize. I’ve been away the past month on a family pilgrimage where I din’t have access to internet. Anyhow, a very happy Guru Rinpoche Day to you all today. This month’s Guru Rinpoche Day is a special one as it falls on a Saturday, and therefore a “pen chu”.Today I want to relay to you all the importance of practicing kindness. Actually what is kindness? Kindness is the basis of happiness. Kindness is the basis of the life we live. Kindness is the basis of the dharma. The basis of practicing the dharma should be on a caring positive mind. So kindness is understanding. Kindness is a thing that you don’t take advantage of. It is seeing that it is directly and indirectly benefiting you. For example, if you are giving alms to a beggar and if you have a feeling of savior or superiority, then think twice. Who is doing a favor to whom. I would say that the beggar is doing a favor to you. If there is no beggar, and if you have the motivation of accumulating merit by giving alms to beggars, then who are you going to give to? Kindness can produce a good caring heart. So think of kindness towards your parents who care for you, your friends who are doing something special to you, and even to a waiter who is serving you. Don’t take advantage of that or think you own that because it is their responsibility or that they should since you are paying for it.
Kindness can help you gain caring and showing kindness means you understand. So please practice kindness. When you think of kindness towards your teacher, you gain devotion. When you think of kindness towards your parents, you gain respect and caring. And when you practice kindness towards the general public, you become more positive and good hearted, naturally. When you practice kindness towards your loved ones, your understanding grows and so does your patience. So basically only by practicing kindness, you are producing more positive thoughts and as a result, improving the qualities of your life.
For those of you who don’t feel much kindness towards others, you should at least be very kind to your ego! The most important key is that you need to see your own faults and to do this, you need to be kind to your ego. Because when you do so, you’ll see your mistakes and the causes of those mistakes.
I know that everyone has so many things to do mundanely and in their practice as well and I wouldn’t want to add anymore to that. But please do think of my message today. I’m participating in a ceremonial puja of longevity which goes on for nine days on a 24 hour period. I’m sitting through the day session from sunrise to sunset and today I’m a feeling a little down with a cold and at the moment a little tired and dizzy while writing this to you. So think of kindness towards me for starters!
Kindness is a very positive thought which leads to a positive life and that in turn makes your life more meaningful leaving no room for regrets and therefore free of suffering. How kind of “kindness” in creating a ripple of kind positive effects in our lives.
Last but not the least, when you are having your next meal, try to practice kindness towards the person preparing the meal, or to the one serving you that meal, to those who planted that meal and to those insects who died in the process and when you think of kindness in this manner, your meal naturally becomes precious, more delicious, more unique and as a result, makes you more positive, more compassionate and basically more meaningful all because of just thinking of kindness!
Thinking of kindness, I seal today’s GRD message with much love and affection towards all of you, wherever you are.
Sarva Mangalam,
Phakchok Rinpoche

Tibetan Yoga: “Body Purification or Lu Jong”, SUNDAY, March 4th, 7:30 pm
Tsewong Sitar Rinpoche, a great meditation, Dzogchen and Chod master who has spent 20 years in solitary retreat, Tsewong Rinpoche has achieved a high level of inner realization and power.He is also renowned in his native Bhutan for his unique healing ability and skills in prophecy. More info
Tibetan Yoga: “Body Purification or Lu Jong”
A simple pattern of Tibetan yoga and physical purifiicaton that increases health and vitality, clears the mind of conflictive emotions and makes our sitting meditation much more stable.
Location: Hampton (Condo) 324 Thonglor Soi 10, The Library
Directions: Nearest BTS is Thonglor. then take a taxi or motorbike up Sukhumvitt 55 to Soi 10. Turn right and it is the first high rose condo on the left (about 100 yards along) with the circular drive (It says Hampton on the stone and iron gatepost.
We will be meeting in the Library room, 3rd floor.
Parking: Just past the condo on Soi 10, is a McDonalds and other restaurant complex. Turn left at the end of the complex. Parking is 100 Bhatt for the evening. Otherwise, there is free street parking WHERE MARKED on either side of Soi 10.
Fee: By donation
Rinpoche will also be available on Monday and Tuesday, by appointment, for Divination and healing sessions.
For appointment, call Lama Jinpa at 087-983-5494
For more information please contact Jamie Reinhardt, Coordinator, Bangkok Shambhala Meditation Group,
Phone: 086-788-7408
Mattia Salvini will be giving Dharma teaching on “The Three Principal Paths of Buddhist Practice” on SATURDAY March 3rd, 2pm-5pm

The Three Principal Paths of Buddhist Practice
This teaching, from my revered Tibetan Guru, offers a concise overview of the main points of Buddhist practice, grouped under Renunciation, Bodhicitta, and Perfect View. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 or email contact us here for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
2pm-5pm, Saturday 3rd March 2012
RSVP Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or contact us here
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
About Mattia Salvini
Mattia Salvini studied Buddhism mostly through Sanskrit and Tibetan, under the guidance of Indian and Tibetan Gurus (in India and in Nepal). Now he teaches Indian and Tibetan Buddhism at the International PhD Programme in Buddhist Studies, Mahidol University, while writing about Buddhism and translating Buddhist texts from the Sanskrit. In the past he has taught at the Centre of Buddhist Studies of Kathmandu University and in the International Buddhist College in Songkhla.
Welcome Palace Apartment (Ram’s place) on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.
Welcome Palace apartment
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Please help in kind donation for construction of monk education center

หลวงปู่บัว แก้วคง (ธมฺมรฺตโน)อายุ 86 ปี
Luang Poo Bua kaewkong 86 years old
วัดทับหลวง ทุ่งกบินทร์ ต.ตาหลังใน อ.วังน้ำเย็น จ.สระแก้ว
Wat tabluang tungkabin, tambon Talangnai, amphur Wangnamyen, Srakaew province
Luangpoo is the meditative monk during the times of Luangpoo Kumphan, he usually resides in forest or cave and has been doing so for several decades, he is also Vipassana student of Luangpoo Yai Phra Khru Thep Lok Udon. He has accomplished in Kasina meditation. Now he is very ill while he is constructing the education hall of the temple while this project still requires more funding support. So we are asking for your help. Donationcan be made to Wat Thap Luang, Tor Kor Sor Bank, Wang Nam Yen branch, account number 278-2-90806-1, please contact us here for additional information.
หลวงปู่บัวเป็นพระกัมมัฏฐานร่วมสมัยกับหลวงปู่คำพันธ์ เป็นพระสุปัฏติปัณโนผู้ใช้ชีวิตอยู่ตามป่าตามถ้ำ
มาหลายสิบปีเป็นลูกศิษย์ผู้ฝึกวิปัสนากัมมัฏฐานกับหลวงปู่ใหญ่ พระครูเทพโลกอุดร
ท่านมีพลังจิตแก่กล้าด้านกสิณน้ำ ตอนนี้ท่านกำลังอาพาธหนัก ท่านกำลังก่อสร้างศาลาการเปรียญของวัดยัง
ชื่อบัญชี วัดทับหลวง ธนาคาร ธกส. สาขาวังน้ำเย็น เลขที่ 278-2-90806-1
ติดต่อ พระอาจารย์ สวัสดิ์ สุขกาโม โทร.081-2631646
พระอาจารย์ อำนวย สุจิตโต โทร.080-6312920
สอบถามเส้นทาง คุณสิทธิชัย 089-7517812

Invitation to Dharma talk “Meditation in daily activities” By Phra Khru Pariyatsasanakhun abbot of Wat Thammawanaram (Thai temple in Hongkong)
The talk will focus on how to keep focused meditation while performing different activities.
(This Dharma talk will be in Thai with translation into English)
ขอเชิญพุทธศาสนิกชนทุกท่านร่วมฟังธรรม “จิต สงบ ด้วยใจภาวนาระหว่างการทำกิจกรรมต่างๆ”
สอนภาวนาโดย “ท่านพระครูปริยัติศาสนคุณ” เจ้าอาวาสวัดธรรมวนาราม(วัดไทหว่อ) ฮ่องกง
เรียนรู้วิธีเจริญสติ ภาวนาควบคู่กับการทำกิจกรรมต่างๆในชีวิตประจำวัน ในวันพฤหัสบดีนี้ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ 2555 เวลา 18.00น.-20.00น. ณ อาคารเวลคัม ติดสน. บางรัก ชั้น 12 (ตรงข้ามสำนักงานเขตบางรัก)
สำรองที่นั่ง contact ที่นี่ หรือ Mongkol Sri facebook page หรือโทร 081-9855564
Welcome palace apartment (ram’s home). For directions please see below. Please feel free to call ram at 0819855564 orcontact us for more info and feel free to invite others who might be interested as well.
Date/Time: 6pm-8pm, Thursday 9th Feb 2012
RSVP: Please let us know if you’ll be coming by clicking “Attend” on the Mongkol Sri facebook page or send request in contact us
This event is free of charge suitable for everyone from beginner to advanced practitioner.
Please share this event with others who might be interested as well and if you wish, you could bring some vegetarian snacks and drinks which will be shared with others.
Welcome Palace apartment on Naret rd. (a one way street), off of Sriphraya road. If you are coming by Sub-way (easiest) you can take the Samyan station exit in front of the temple then catch a Taxi or take a Motorbike Taxi (20 Baht) from there by telling them to go to Bangrak Police station. If coming by BTS you can get off at Saladaeng station and take a taxi from there as well. You can just tell the taxi to come to the Bangrak police station if you are coming directly from elsewhere. Once at the police station, my building is an old white building just before the station, come on the 12th floor on the right side and you’ll see a big door and I’ll be in there. If you see a lot of Africans in the building it means that you are in the right building.