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On the true path – Phakchok Rinpoche message in February 2013 สารจากท่าน พักชก ริมโปเช กุมภาพันธ์ 2556

Dear Friends Near and Far:

I hope you’ve all been happy and healthy. I’m well and at the moment in Kathmandu performing the annual Tsekar or White Amitayus (Buddha of Longevity) Drupchen, a nine day puja based on a collection of liturgies belonging to the “Great Accomplishment Group Sadhana of White Amitayus”. This drupchen beginning on the 8th day of the first lunar month of the Tibetan New Year brings forth auspicious circumstances for the practioner’s two fold attainment of longevity and primordial wisdom.

In the past few evenings of the drupchen, I have been re-reading some of the great texts of Shechen Gyaltsab, Pema Namgyal and in particular, the “Advice from Old Vijaya” which never fails to inspire me. I have taken few lines from the text to remind you of the basic elements of the path which in a way is also an interesting analysis to check whether if you are actually on the true path.

1. Make sure the topics of:


– Precious Human Birth

– Death and Impermanence

– Karma: Consequences of Action

– The Defects of Samsara


Do not become mere words and ideas, but reflect upon them from the core of your heart.

Once you are well acquainted with them, your mind will have turned away from samsara and towards the sublime Dharma.


Once you feel this way, you have already covered half of Dharma practice!


2. Constantly keep reminding yourself of the excellent qualities of your Guru and the Three Jewels. Having trained in this, you will seek no other refuge than your Guru and the Three Jewels, no matter what joys or sorrows befall you.


Once that happens, you will have become one of the Buddha’s followers.


3. Once when you are on the path, train in accepting all sentient being as your parents, and maintaining this attitude uninterruptedly, cultivate loving-kindness, compassion, and awakened mind.


Once when you have become accustomed to benefiting others and freed from the chain of selfishness, you deserve the name “child of conquerors.”


The merit and benefits of this are beyond measure. 


These are the ways in which you avoid going astray from the True Path. And once on it, I hope that you are constantly showered with blessings and have unwavering trust and devotion.


Signing off from the Valley with much love and affection on this Guru Rinpoche Day just before midnight!


Sarva Mangalam,

Phakchok Rinpoche



Padmasambhava words – Phakchok Rinpoche message in January 2013 สารจากท่าน พักชก ริมโปเช มกราคม 2556

Dear Friends Near and Far,


I hope you have all been happy and healthy. I have been well and at the moment at the Nagi Gonpa Hermitage performing the Ngakso Drupchen (Ocean of Amrita), a vajrayana mending and purification puja.


From the hagiography, The Wishfulfilling Tree, Padmasambhava himself says, “People of the future who have not met me, read and see my story”.  It is said that merely hearing the name Padmasambhava brings immense blessing.


On this last Guru Rinpoche day of the Water Dragon Year of 2139 and with an understanding of these words of Padmasambhava to be a prophecy, I bring to you all with much joy the news of the unfolding and unfurling of the story of The Lotus Born into a pictorial depiction of moving images.


Neten Chokling Rinpoche, one of the incarnations of the Great Treasure revealer; Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa is once again coming out with a true gem and this time none other than the story of the Lotus Born Guru. Rinpoche has previously made a film on the life of Milarepa and Brilliant Moon: Glimpses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.  


Glimpses into scenes from the life story of Padmasambhava– the Enlightened Hero of our time.



Ext. Samye courtyard, Tibet


Under the shade of the peacock feather parasols, the priest Padmasambhava, the abbot Shantarakshita and the king Trisong Duetsen, circumambulate the temple.  Suddenly a shower of arura fruit falls from the skies.  The king’s attendant holding the peacock-feathered parasol exclaims, holding an arura fruit in his hand.


                   Your Majesty, it is an arura!

This medicinal fruit is obtained

only in India.


The king looks extremely joyous.



Int. King’s chamber, Samye



                   Since the temple is now established

the Abbot and I ask your permission to

leave for India.

Trisong Duetsen is taken aback. The king clasps his hands at his chest and sorrowfully speaks to the two masters.


     Compassionate Masters, please listen.

                   Tibet is a land of fiends where the

sound of the holy Dharma is not even

heard. Although your kindness has

already been great I humbly

          supplicate that you postpone such an exit!


The King sheds tears. The two foreign masters feel compassion for the Tibetan King.



      Your Majesty, the three of us have come

        together in Tibet through the ripening of

      karma from the aspirations of our three

         lives. Since we, the three brothers, again

     have this connection as we had in past

         lives, I shall not turn back your request.


Very good, I will do likewise.



Upper cave at Chimpu Hermitage


A young girl of 16 sits on the floor of the hermitage facing Padmasambhava who is sitting on a cushioned platform.



                 Tsogyal, when practicing the Dharma,

you must first tame your own mind.


                         What does that mean?


                You must extinguish the scorching flames

of anger, cross the river of desire, crumble

the mountain of pride, overcome the storm

of envy and light the torch of discriminating

knowledge in the darkness of ignorance.


Yeshe Tsogyal looks to Padmasambhava with full attention.



                These five poisons of anger, desire, pride,

envy and delusion will ruin your being in

samsara if you uninhibitedly indulge in them.

Do not let them run wild.  There is a danger

in that.


Yeshe Tsogyal nods her head.



Int. Upper cave at Chimpu Hermitage


Yeshe Tsogyal is writing down something on a yellow parchment.


                I, Tsogyal, have been serving the master

for a while now.  On different occasions,

he gave advice on Dharma practice that I

persistently retained in my perfect recall,

collected, and wrote down for the sake of

future generations. This is committed to

writing in the Upper Cave at Chimpu on

the twenty fifth day of the second month

of fall in the Year of the Sow.


She rolls the small parchment and puts it in a small leather box.  She exits her cave hermitage with it.


Standing in front of a big odd shaped boulder, Yeshe Tsogyal presses the small leather box onto the rock surface.  After a gentle push the small box gently sinks into the hard surface of the boulder and disappears from sight.



                Since they are not meant to be spread at the

present time conceal them as a precious treasure.



Outside Samye Gate

An old woman waits by the road near the gate of Samye.  Padmasambhava passes through the gate.  On seeing him, she bows down and joins her palms before him.



                Great Master, you are about to leave for your

hermitage and I am about to die.  Please give an

instruction that requires little hardship, that is

simple to grasp, easy to apply and very effective.



                        Old lady, who are you?



               I am the one who has been sending the bowl of curd.


Padmasambhava acknowledges her kindness with a smile.



                Old lady, take the cross-legged position

and keep your body upright.


The old woman sits down as instructed.



               For a short while, simply remain with totally relaxed attention.



Gungthang Pass, Tibet




               The sun is setting in our hearts.  Since you are leaving for Chamara we are left without a guide. From the king to the pauper we all rely on you. What will we do after you leave.  What will happen to us? Who do we turn to for advice?


Padmasambhava looks to Yeshe Tsogyal.



               For the moment you should not worry

because the Dharma is like the sun at noon

in Tibet.  Therefore it makes no difference

whether I am here or not.


He looks down to the Tibetans.  Some of the older ones cry.



               To those who have faith in me, I have never

departed – I sleep on the threshold of their homes.

From those with erring views I am concealed,

though yet I stand before them.



Through this film, may the wisdom and compassion of Padmasambhava’s life act as a soothing balm to quell the miseries afflicted out of ignorance.



Sarva Mangalam,


Phakchok Rinpoche





                                                                            www.phakchokrinpoche.org                                                                            www.cglf.org

Important points – Phakchok Rinpoche message in December 2012 สารจากท่าน พักชก ริมโปเช ธันวาคม 2555

Guru Rinpoche Day

Dear Friends Near and Far:

I hope you have all been happy and healthy. I am now back in my hometown in Boudhanath, Nepal. I am going to say few things candidly on today’s Guru Rinpoche Day.

Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does.
Your mind training doesn’t matter when you don’t have compassion.
Your meditation doesn’t matter when you don’t see your own faults.
Dharma practice doesn’t matter when you don’t have devotion.
Obstacles doesn’t matter when you have the blessings.

Please reflect on the points above. Some of you have met me, came to my retreats, some of you have not but nonetheless, I want to ask you all to practice well and don’t waste your time. I spend more than half of this year traveling continuously and I finally just got back home completely exhausted to a point where I am not seeing anyone at the moment. My motivation to such extensive traveling is purely based on reaching out to you all in all your select cities instead of all of you coming this way. Now as the year is coming to an end and when I reflect back on it, it is my sincerest hope that the teachings have reached you all and that you are applying it accordingly. If not then I simply wasted my time traveling around the world without any sight seeing!

So anyhow, to all of you specially the mahamudra students, I want to let you all know that I constantly make aspirations for you and your practice and as usual on Guru Rinpoche’s Day reaching out to you all to give you motivation. We should all know that we are very fortunate practitioners.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with genuine happiness and good health!!!

Sarva Mangalam,

Phakchok Rinpoche