Taming Our Fears – Guru Rinpoche day message by HE. Phakchok Rinpoche
We will be updating new events soon.
Dear Friends Near and Far,
Hello. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day.
Today I want to talk about the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche in Tukdrub Barché Kunsel, called Dzutrül Duchen—the Great Powerful Magical Master, Guru Dzutrül Duchen. Sometimes we refer to him as Dorje Drolö. Guru Rinpoche revealed this manifestation especially to transform negative appearances, negative mind, and negative environment. What is negative environment? It means negative appearances that make our mind become negative… hatred, basically. Negative appearance brings hatred. So Guru Padmasambhava specially manifested as Dzutrül Duchen or Guru Dorje Drollo, taming or subduing or purifying all of that.
In our life, what we really need is to have positive thinking. But sometimes we have this idea that positive thinking means to not have wrathfulness. When you need to say no, you cannot say no. Or when you need to point out some problematic things, you can’t because you are thinking positively. So it is very important to balance. You have a positive mind. You want to be perceiving through a positive way, but when you see a few people creating huge problems, you need to know how to resolve those problems. We want to see the negative thing and how to resolve it, or remove it, or subdue it, without giving up our positive mind. That is the practice of the great Guru Rinpoche’s Dorje Drolö.
Guru Rinpoche himself said, there are going to be a few people, we call “damsi”—these are the troublemakers. Unnecessarily trouble-making. We need to know how to reduce them, or change them, or transform them, or remove them, or tame them. And, at the same time, keeping whatever possibility you can to have positive thinking. You need to know how to reduce these things while keeping positive perception. This is particular to the practice of the Great Guru Dorje Drollo. I really think it is very important in today’s practical world, in practical life.
Happy Guru Rinpoche Day. Thank you very much. Be positive.
Sarva Mangalam,
Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche
Dear Friends Near and Far,
Hello everybody. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day.
Click to watch the video message
Today we will talk about the seventh manifestation of Guru Rinpoche. His name is Kyepar Pakpey. This manifestation is especially known for taming the mountain spirits and other spirits. When we say “tame”, what does that mean? By taming, Guru Rinpoche actually teaches us how to make peace with all the beings. Why? Because Kyepar Pakpey teaches us how to make offerings: how to make offerings to the buddhas and bodhisattvas, how to make offerings to the protectors and how to make offerings to the mountain spirits and spirits and obstacle-makers and all other sentient beings. Here in the practice of Kyepar Pakpey, the method for making sang offerings is taught. Not only that, we learn how to benefit beings as a human being: how to benefit the spirit beings and how to benefit the other sentient beings as well. This is what Guru Rinpoche taught in Kyepar Pakpey.
Now, as a normal person, sometimes we have beliefs, sometimes we don’t. It is very important to respect others in this time. Sometimes we are so caught up in what we call the “reality world”, that we forget to respect the spirit world. We forget to respect other animals. We forget the outer world, such as the environment. Our respect diminishes. I can see that in myself and I can see it in others. Respect is very important. Thinking of kindness and thinking of respect is very important. Many of us, we forget this.
Here, Guru Rinpoche, in Kyepar Pakpey, teaches us how to cleanse the world. How to cleanse the environment. How to purify through his spiritual practices. Nowadays, I think at this time, we really need this practice and really need to have the idea to purify our world and our being and human beings. So, in summary, please show respect to all the environments, respect to all the elements, and thinking of the kindness of the environment, thinking of the kindness of the people who put effort, thinking of the kindness of the world is very important. Ok? This is very important to remember. Anyone who is doing sang puja, not only are you making offering to the deities, or the protector, or the spirit world, you are actually cleansing the world that is so polluted by us.
Thank you very much. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day. And be happy.
Sarva Mangalam,
Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche
PS: We are happy to announce that there are subtitles for this month’s message in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Ukranian, and Vietnamese. Please click the settings wheel in the bottom right corner of the video to access these options.
We are also interested in your feedback about what teachings you would like to hear in future Guru Rinpoche messages.
Dear Friends Near and Far,
Hello. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day again.
Today I want to share with you the sixth of the Twelve Manifestations of Guru Padmasambhava. His name is Guru Pema Jungney, the Lotus Born Guru. Guru Rinpoche himself explained, “I taught many times in the beginning how to practice and how to gain blessings and siddhis and liberations, improvements. But my disciples in the future, those people are going to be very lazy, and will not be able to practice well.” So he actually taught six or seven different ways to gain realization and liberation: how to gain improvements through seeing, through tasting, through smelling, through touching, through reading, and such like that. Guru Pema Jungney has very great teachings of the six or seven different ways of liberation.
With that, I just want to say, in normal life, what we really need when we make mistakes or when we go through difficulties is a different way to see something. When you make a mistake, yes, I know that you really feel like a failure. You made a mistake or you feel down. You feel self-judgment. You feel negative. But always know that whenever you make mistakes, you need to encourage yourself to want to do better, and that you want to improve yourself. Don’t, how do you say, discourage yourself. Whenever you face obstacles or challenges in life, when you fail in life, try to think that it is an opportunity for improvement and to become more mature through your experiences. Because in life, you will always fail. In spiritual, you are always going to fail. And I really encourage you to see that failing is important. Every time you fail, you stand up. You keep trying. You keep doing it. Do that in the spiritual way and do that in the mundane way. You will get better and better. When you are stopped when you fail, or when you are stopped when you judge yourself and you really feel bad, that is the time of really big obstacles. So don’t look at it that way. Always see difficult things as a kind of way of encouraging, experiencing, and getting more mature. So keep that in mind and remember Guru Pema Jungney.
I like to share this with all of you: be happy and whatever you’ve done, the mistakes, improve yourself. If you’re chasing some difficulties, don’t judge everybody. Don’t judge yourself. Don’t judge others. Think instead, “It is my experience” and you get stronger. Stand up and do well. Easy to say. Difficult to do. But don’t forget. Then you will get better each time.
Thank you very much. Happy Guru Rinpoche Day.
Click here to view the video message
We are happy to announce that there are subtitles for this month’s message in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Ukranian, and Vietnamese. Please click the settings wheel in the bottom right corner of the video to access these options.
We are also interested in your feedback about what teachings you would like to hear in the Guru Rinpoche messages.
Lotus Light Dharma Institute
The construction is progressing along steadily thanks to the generous donations we have received. As you can see from the latest progress report below, the main building is really starting to take shape. Yet there is still a lot of work to be done before we reach completion.
Sarva Mangalam,
Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche
ขอเชิญร่วมฟังธรรม โดยพระลามะรินเชน ในการให้คำแนะนำในการปฏิบัติ
You are invited to the “Introduction to Meditation” Dharma talk by Lama Rinchen in Bangkok on Friday 29th January 2016. This talk will cover basic principle and essence of meditation which will be useful for all levels of practitioners from beginner to advanced.
Directions: Windsor Tower Apartment is located right opposite Windsor Hotel in Sukhumvit soi 20 which is near BTS-Asoke/MRT-Sukhumvit lines. The entrance to the building is next to “THEE” hotel. Please tell the guard that you come to see Ram in unit 20B which is on 20th floor.
ทางเข้าอาคารอยู่ติดกับโรงแรม “THEE”
Biography of Ven. Lama Rinchen ประวัติพระลามะรินเชน:
The Venerable Lama Rinchen Phuntsok is a skillfull teacher with a light and joyful manner. He is a scholar and meditation master of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition.
Cost: Free ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย
RSVP: Not required ไม่ต้องจองล่วงหน้า
Web: www.mongkol.org
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1Kq5LxH (You can get Dharma news and announcements here as well)
Ven. Lama Rinchen will offer a very detailed explanation of the Chöd Ngondro, which contains the View of
The teachings will be conducted over 3 weekends from 2pm-6pm on each day total of 7 sessions–
Date/Time (2016):
Saturday Jan 23: 2pm-6pm
Sunday Jan 24: 2pm-6pm
Saturday Jan 30: 2pm-6pm
Sunday Jan 31: 2pm-6pm
Friday Feb 5: 2pm-6pm
Saturday Feb 6: 2pm-6pm
Sunday Feb 7: 2pm-6pm
Venue: Windsor Tower apartment unit 20B, opposite Windsor hotel on Sukhumvit soi 20. Easily reachable via BTS Asoke/MRT Sukhumvit station.
Cost: Baht800 per person to cover the cost of text which will be used and remaining will be made as a donation to the Lama.
Payment detail–
Bank:Kasikorn Bank
Branch: Silom Branch
Account type: Savings account
Account number: 001-2-79564-7
Account name: Ram Narula
(If you would like to make donation for Lama’s traveling expenses such as airfare and other related costs do let me know.)
Signup/Questions please feel free to contact us using the contact us button above or call at 081-9855564
Chöd retreat Sep 17-20 with Lama Rinchen
We would like to invite you to Chod retreat which will be held from September 17th to September 20th in Thailand
Chöd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%B6d
According to Mahayana Buddhists, emptiness is the ultimate wisdom of understanding that all things lack inherent existence. Chöd combines prajñāpāramitā philosophy with specific meditation methods and tantric ritual. The chod practitioner seeks to tap the power of fear through activities such as rituals set in graveyards, and visualisation of offering their bodies in a tantric feast in order to put their understanding of emptiness to the ultimate test.
About Lama Rinchen http://dongakcholing.org/LamaRinchen.html
The Venerable Lama Rinchen Phuntsok is a skillfull teacher with a light and joyful manner. He is a scholar and meditation master of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. Born in Tibet, Lama Rinchen began receiving instruction in the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism at the age of six in Tsasum Chokhorling Monastery in Tibet. After he left Tibet in 1958, he studied at Young Lama’s Home School in Dalhousie, The Buddhist Monastic School in Rewalsar, Nyingmapa Lama’s College in Dehra-Dun, and Zongdog Palri Monastery in Kalimpong. Lama Rinchen graduated from Sanskrit University in Varanasi India where he completed advanced studies in Sutrayana Buddhist philosophy and scriptures, commentaries, logic, literature, history, and the major sciences of the Tibetan curriculum.
To complete his training in Vajrayana Nyingma School studies, he served as private secretary to the late His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, supreme Head of the Nyingma order of Tibetan Buddhism for over fifteen years. During that time he received all the important empowerments, transmissions, essential instructions, the oral teaching of Nyingma Kama, and the Profound Rediscovered Teachings of Terma of the great Lotus Born Teacher, Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Vajravana Buddhism.
Venue: About 2-3 hours out of Bangkok, we will keep you informed.
Cost: 4000-4500Baht per person, all meals and text included (transport cost not included)
Limited places available, kindly signup at your earliest convenience.
This retreat is suitable for all levels of practitioners.
Contact: (Eng) 0819855564, (Thai) 0894817754
Email: ram@pluslab.com
We would like to invite you to public Dharma talks be Ven. Lama Rinchen Phuntsok in Bangkok areas in June 2015.
Venerable Lama Rinchen Phuntsok is a skillfull teacher with a light and joyful manner. He is a scholar and meditation master of the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition.
Biography can be found at http://dongakcholing.org/
Topic: “Attachment, Detachment, Aversion and Antidote”
Date: Sunday 21st June 2pm-5pm
Venue: The Continent Hotel (near Asoke intersection next to Interchange tower, on Sukhumvit road, hotel web site: www.thecontinenthotel.com/
Note: Limited seats, please RSVP by email ram@pluslab.com
Topic: “Virtuous and Unvirtuous mind and their action”
Date: Monday 22nd June 6:30pm-8:30pm
Venue: ‘APARTMENTS’ building, Ekkamai road near Ekkamai BTS station, more information on www.littlebang.org Location: w
Topic: “The Textual Tradition of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism”
Date: Wednesday 24nd June 1:30pm-3:30pm
Venue: Mahidol University, Kanpai Room, Ground floor, Department of Humanities, Salaya
For more information please email: prasajya@gmail.com
For more information please feel free to contact us at:
Tel: (Eng) 0819855564,0989195519 – (Thai) 0894817754
Email: ram@pluslab.com
Web: www.mongkol.org
You can signup to our mailing list at: www.mongkol.org/contact/
These events are free of charge and suitable for everyone.